To our Summit Accounting Solutions audience, we wanted to start this post by wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays. Taking time to appreciate our many blessings is one of the values we hold in the highest regard.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought we would approach our staff and see what they are each individually thankful for! Check out some of their answers!
Jason Schneider: I am thankful for the freedom we have and the ability to choose what life we want to have. May we never forget freedom isn’t free.Felipe Rangel: I’m thankful for the things we take for granted. I’m humbled by the fact that I have excessive access to things like clean water, housing, education, and opportunities. So many people around the world, and even in our own communities, are not as fortunate.Greg Applen: I am thankful for Cathy, my wife of almost 47 years. She has blessed me with 3 great kids and I would not be here without her. I am thankful for my Mom. It goes without saying that I wouldn’t be here without her.Brian Murray: I am thankful for my family and friends, my fiancé, Keri, that I have a nice home to come home to, and for my job with Summit so that I can provide for myself and my family.Courtney Everitt: I’m thankful for my husband and two sons. They keep me laughing every day.Jill Geist: I am thankful for my family, our animals, and our friends. Our life is simple but very much enjoyable! We get to see the sun rise and set and watch the moon thru its phases.Katy Luedtke: I’m thankful for champagne, because I can be! 🙂Daphne Howard: I would have to say my hubby, Dave. Having grown up together (we started dating at 15) I have seen him go through many phases of life and have to say now is the best!! He is more loving, supportive of my work (with my job this is a true blessing), helpful around the house (he even does the majority of the cooking!) and continues to be a great father to our two sons. In addition to that our granddaughter, Ellie, has him wrapped around her little finger!! He is at her beck and call whenever they are together. Playing games, coloring, reading, building puzzles, playing student to her teacher, playing dress up (that is a sight!!), playing with Lego, tons of outdoor activities… he rarely says “no”. I am thankful for all that he is and all that he provides to our family!!Kailey Campbell: I am grateful for as yet undiscovered things, places, and ideas. Knowing there is still more to know makes me excited to always be learning. Understanding there is much we do not yet understand fills me with wonder!
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